Thoughts and stuff

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Oh dear!
I think it is a mess to get involved in a huge debate over argumentative typse who are illogical.

OK here is a list of characteristics of rigid and narrow minded people I should avoid having any kind of interaction with.

You can fill in the blank with any brand of interfering religion.

1. DENIAL That is the first identifying mark. They will flatly deny they are ............ They will say, there is no such thing as ................. or ............. They will say "I am just a............................ "I don't believe in sects". Don't be fooled by any of this. Read on...

2. TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE Another distinguishing factor. Usually these folks have a lot of knowledge about the Religion of their choice but of a certain understanding only.

3. INTERFERING A special characteristic. This is a certain giveaway. These people are interfering. Trust them to stick their noses in EVERY AFFAIR.I know...... who go along with a janaza/burial procession, and at the time of burial will stick their noses in, scolding the bereaved
family to do this and not to do this. This interference is blantant in every sphere of life. These ppl are incapable of keeping their noses out of any matter. They just have to give their $0.02 worth, otherwise they suffer from a severe indigestion.

Combine #2 and #3 above and you have a sure recipe for intolerance.
These ppl have least tolerance for people of other beliefs.
Be it anyone. These people judge everyone according to their own narrow microscope and then pass judgements. Their judgement is usually negative. Religious telerance and unity/brotherhood is usually low on their list of priorities.

Another dead giveaway. Remember these three keywords. The people who use
these words a lot, you would know who they are. These three words are innovation unbeliever ", and associating other gods with god". Any action to which they do not believe in, based on their own knowledge is one of the above tolerance for spiritual matters and tend to think of everything as black and white. What they don't understand is, to them, obviously wrong.

These ppl are very logical. They tend to prove/disprove everything from the books. Usually authentic books. The sad point is, that their hearts are usually dead. They don't understand anything spiritual or mystical. They feel there should be nothing spiritual about
muslims. Everything we require is in the books. So they tend to flap helplessly when confronted with the mystical aspects of Islam. But then their logical minds kick in. Here is how it works: We don't know about it - So - Its not in the books - So - Thats not ........- So -Those who do it are Ignorant/etc" - So - - So - This is wrong - So - They will go to hellfire - Hence WE ARE

So what can we do: Unfortunately, not much!.... Thats sad, but true. Just chill. All
you can do it to stay away from discussing anything religious with them. Don't fight with them. Although very inappropriate under the circumstances, and very politically incorrect, but there is one very wise saying in Irish which is apt to convey what I am trying to
convey... ( I deleted this because it was just too bad) .......
Same here. Don't debate. Stay away. They will mess up your beliefs and you wouldn't know. They will try and shove down their own microscopic Islam down your throats. If you really want to talk to them, just discuss with them weather, cricket, cars, anyhting...but religion. And you will live a happy life.

This breed of people is growing everyday. This group is created on the base of "fear". Their scholars will frighten others by saying that what they are doing is wrong and they will be put into hellfire if they don't follow the ........ (in their words, "true Religion).

Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Somehow feeling hostile today.
My nose itched at night. Is it the new ioniser with the aromatherapy function that is affecting me negatively? I ll see if it is , try removing the aromatherapy and putting in just plain mineral water.

Ok so I m not so hostile, it is not a mood I cannot shake off, it is just a realization and then I can shake it off.

So I did an I & d for a Bartholin's cyst that is infected. I m usually very impatient when the patient is not so cooperative and wants to block my hands but today I was patient and very mild . Must be the experience I had with the man who had an infected sebaceous cyst and almost blacked out when I expressed out the pus without adequate anaesthetic! Well it is difficult to give aneasthetic with an infected cyst but I guess the next time I should try harder and make sure the patient does not feel much !

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

feeling s

I really don t know what it is that I feel.Words may not mean what I want them to mean.

Well , just that I know I feel like when I communicate, it is as if I am talking into a void, now this is because I write emails and expect people to respond but, most people responding to an email on a group mail is so intimidating ! Few actually post.
I know that and yet I feel bad when I get no response to my emails
alas and alack!

Sick but not quite!

Some people, when they get sick , they get really sick and have to stay in bed and sleep or something. They lose their appetite and then spend the next couple of weeks recovering!.Not me though. I just feel low and crappy and unenthusiastic and sleepy.I d have to drag my feet around but I d be moving and doing things as I usually do! I d be running a fever and feeling achey and chilly and be also working ..not even noticing I m running a fever.
Sometimes I even get sick only when I am on leave!
What does that tell me about myself? What would it take for me to tell myself that I just want to stay in bed and do not want to get up that day because I feel sick?
What about that pain in my hips that made me walk different but I d simply ignore it is there and not do anything about it?

Monday, November 22, 2004

Who am I

I m a doctor but not just a doctor, I have a clinic, and I do healing , this means energy healing. I m also a homeopath and what I like to do is write.
Now this blog is my effort to journal my thots.
I m making it anonymous and do not really care if nobody finds my blog cos it is more for me to put my thots down and perhaps get some insight into myself.

I m upset !

I think that on that Saturday , I was not feeling too enthusiastic about seeing patients.
Nothing new really, I feel the system of sitting on a chair waiting for people to come and consult with me sucks! Yet , this for the moment and for the past 20 odd years is what I ve been doing and am doing now.
The problem with this is there will be times when our attention is not full and we make mistakes.
So guess this was one of those times and I did not hear the patient tell me her foetus was not moving. So come Tuesday I get this phone call from an irate mother of my patient who says I m useless etc because I did not respond to her daughter's telling me her foetus was not moving.
Obviously I did not hear cos I d never not respond!